Calvin United Church in Pembroke is one expression of The United Church of Canada, one with a rich, progressive, and continuing history of welcoming people of all backgrounds and orientations in the name of the Creator, Christ and Spirit. "We are not alone, God is with us" is the first line of "A New Creed," one of our statements of belief. For more information, please visit
Our weekly Sunday morning worship service is at 10 am. The large centre doors facing Renfrew St give you access to the elevator hall which will be on your right when you get in the door. There is a ramp from the side parking lot. This entrance also takes you to the long main staircase up to the worship space. The other small door by the side parking lot can take you both to the hall down a few steps and a round staircase up to the worship space. The lift is also accessible at the hall level in addition to the street level and the worship space level. There is an operator for the lift that will respond to the call button by the door of the lift. This operator is normally available by 9:40 am and after worship so that you can join others in the hall for conversation, coffee and sweets afterwards.
Calvin's New YouTube Channel can be accessed for Sunday Morning Worship at 'Calvin United Pembroke'
Next Parish Nursing Workshop
Tuesday, March 4th
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Sacred Practices That Shape Us
HEALING: Nurturing Mind, Body and Soul more here >
WORSHIP: Community Rituals that strengthen our faith and spirituality more below
HOSPITALITY: Creating Belonging by walking with and serving others more below