Calvin United Church makes the claim of being the oldest church in Pembroke once being serviced by a circuit riding minister. Originally a Presbyterian Church, the congregation decided in 1925 to join the United Church of Canada which was an amalgamation of the Methodist, Congregational and part of the Presbyterian Churches in Canada.
The church is situated in downtown Pembroke overlooking the historic Ottawa River. The church building reflects the rich heritage of the area that was founded by the lumber industry in the last century. The rich wood interior of the sanctuary and stained glass windows donated by former lumbering families make a beautiful setting for worship.
New families remark that Calvin is a joy filled and welcoming faith community. The Sunday worship is a time of prayer, singing and a message to provide revitalization of the soul to help deal with a ever challenging world. After service we gather for refreshments and conversation. We welcome you.
2021 Good News Story even with the Pandemic!
Despite the challenges in our society - health systems, education systems and family life in general, the financial supporters of Calvin's Vision and Mission continued their financial gift for our ministries in the world around us. Many of them are on Pre-Authorized monthly donations which really help us plan our ability to respond to emerging critical needs of others.
By the end of 2021, we were able to share 54% of all our funds received with our neigbhours here in the Pembroke area, others throughout Canada and still others living in other parts of the world through our partners who are on the ground making the best use of those funds to feed people, provide shelter, education and support in their ministry to others in their country.
Calvin is truly blessed to be trusted with such important support in order to make our world closer to being how the Creator intended. Thank you everyone!